Fish – Amphibians #146 1950 neural basis of the spontaneous optokinetic response produced by visual inversion Amphibian Circulation Amphibian Diagram Amphibian Eyes Amphibian Skin Patch Amphibian Visual Amphibians Belly Skin brain and eye_ cutaneous local sign cutting of the optic chiasm development of fish from embryo to adult diagram – unlabeled drawing and eye and optic nerve on drawing paper drawing of eye and optic nerve on drawing paper drawing of the back of the eye and optic nerve Drawings for #169 ENV #5 Fish eye and optic nerve drawing eye and optic nerve eye diagrams Figure 2 Figure 8 Figure 12 Figure 14 fish eye muscles Fish OPIV Fish Regenerating Optic Fibers fish specificity goldfish optic system labeling of the brain mechanisms of neural maturation medulla muscle coordination diagram and description myoptic specificity in teleost motoneurons Nerve Endings notes on ganglion cells overlap of terminal connections of sensory fibers parts of the amphibian drawings regenerating optic fibers regeneration of intracentral fiber tracts mediating visuomotor coordination regulative factors in the orderly growth of neural circuits Schematic sensory nerves sight Sketches Stages of Embryo surgical interchange among motor ocular nerve connections