Monkeys Arm Diagram Brain Diagram brain drawing of a monkey case 1 left hemisphere case 8 right and left hemisphere cases 1 and 2 right hemisphere cases 6 and 7 left hemisphere cutting of the corpus callosum detailed drawing of saggital section of monkey brain Diagram experimental monkeys arch. neurol. Eye Tracking Labeled Monkey Brain monkey apparatus 2 monkey apparatus drawing monkey apparatus operant conditioning with tactile stimulus monkey apparatus sketch 1 monkey apparatus sketch 2 monkey apparatus sketch 3 monkey apparatus monkey brain diagram Monkey Brain Sections(1) monkey brain sections Monkey Diagram Monkey Diagram1 monkey goggles implanted in head monkey patient specific monkey split brain and sight monkey split brain tactile and visual center monkey split brain with monocular polarizers monkey stimulus patterns and polarizing light filters (sent from Landauer from Stanford) neural representation of body surface parts of the brain possible monkey brain drawing possible monkey right hemisphere drawing saggital section of a monkey brain with notes sagittarius section of a monkey photo sperry monkey brain drawings sperry notes spider monkey prints split brain monkey top view Testing Apparatus